Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day One - No refined sugar or coffee

Yes, here I go again, and just like the song from Whitesnake, "going down the only road I've ever known," which is quitting coffee.  Not quit coffee, because I always seem to end up going back to it, but quitting.  So here I am on Day One again.  I'm tired of feeling tired all day, tired of reading how bad refined sugar is, and disgusted with any coffee without refined sugar in it.  So two birds with one stone.  And I figure, if the main source of my sugar is in my coffee, and I'm quitting (I have to practice saying it right, "quit") coffee, then let's knock out the refined sugar too.  How do you do it?  Do you do it?  Do you try?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the blog! Great idea.

    I have switched to organic coffee, stevia (Truvia) and products from MimicCreme :
    It's a little weird, but it does the trick.
